Ways You Can Help

Many people have been deeply moved by Madeleine's abduction and subsequent separation from her family and have asked us how they can help us in our search to find her.
Below is a list of suggestions which you may wish to consider in order to help assist our efforts to find Madeleine and bring her home.
We really appreciate your help with this difficult task.

1. Donate to Madeleine's Fund ‘Leaving No Stone Unturned': This can be done via several routes including via the website.

2. Fundraising: This is a good way of getting people together, maintaining awareness of Madeleine's situation as well as raising money for Madeleine's Fund. For further information, please see ‘Fundraising' section under ‘Support' tab.

3. Wear a Madeleine wristband or T-shirt: Again this will increase awareness and contribute towards Madeleine's Fund, as well as being a show of solidarity.

4. Download the new age-progression poster of Madeleine from the website and display it in prominent places within the UK and abroad. The posters are available in many different languages and we would be really grateful if you would take them with you when going on your holidays. 1 in 6 children are found after their face being recognised from a poster. It really helps!!!

5. Car stickers, Luggage tags and Prayer cards: If you are going on holiday, in addition to the new posters you could take one of our Madeleine car stickers to display in your (hire) car. If you would like some car stickers or some Madeleine luggage tags, please contact our campaign email address and leave your details- campaign@findmadeleine.com
If you are going on a pilgrimage this year, we would be grateful if you would take some Madeleine prayer cards with you for distribution. These are available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and German. Again, please send us your details via the campaign email address- campaign@findmadeleine.com

6. Ideas / Offers of Assistance: If you have any ideas or specialist skills (printing, fundraising, IT skills, haulage firms etc) and are willing to help us in our search for Madeleine (campaign or investigation), please email your details to campaign@findmadeleine.com.

7. Carry a Madeleine ‘business card' in your wallet or purse at all times (available June 2009). This will allow you to have instant access to a photograph of her and the investigation contact number, should you see a little girl who looks like Madeleine or anything else which you consider suspicious and related to her disappearance. Alternatively, transfer a photograph of Madeleine to your mobile phone and save the investigation helpline number in your contacts.

8. Social networking sites: If you are a member of ‘Facebook', ‘Twitter' or other social networking sites, maybe you could add a Madeleine banner to your site and make the ‘find madeleine' site your top ‘friend' or put it on your home page.

9. Encourage others to help:
· Contact your friends and family especially those living in other parts of Europe and beyond and ask them if they're willing to help us in our search too.
· If you have any business contacts at home or overseas ask if they'll carry the Madeleine poster on their website and/or a link to the official website.
· If there is a tourist information office near to where you live, maybe you could ask if they would display a Madeleine poster in their office or make posters available for foreign tourists to take back home with them
· If you are a university student or have contact with a university, we would be grateful if you could ask any students who are travelling abroad to take posters with them to distribute on their travels.
· Talk to 5 people today about Madeleine and remind them she is still missing!

We are so grateful to everyone who has helped us. It is incredibly reassuring that so many people our trying to find Madeleine. Please keep looking and thinking. Madeleine needs our help. Thank you.

Fund Raising

We thank you for your interest in fund raising to support Madeleine's fund. Many donations have resulted from a variety of fund raising events. These have included Car Boot sales, jumble sales, school cake sales, race nights, sponsored runs & cycle events, ‘dress down' days, auctions & ‘cheese & wine' nights.

These events have further highlighted Madeleine's plight as well as bringing many people together to have fun whilst working towards one common goal.

We would be grateful if you are considering fund raising that you do not refer to Madeleine's fund as a registered charity as it is not. If you are embarking on a type fund raising which may carry an element of risk you may wish to consider your position regarding insurance cover. If you require further information please refer to:
